The Proof is in the Informational Interview!

two women meeting-resized-600.jpgI often preach about the importance of informational interviews (or informational meetings). I can’t say enough about how important they are in learning about a career, a particular role, a company or just merely to gain career advice and guidance. They are often a great way for people to learn more about you and to help you find that great first job or your next fabulous job.

Case in point. I was recently approached by a student at George Brown College – not one of mine – for an informational interview. After some back and forth to make it work (due to my work load and her school schedule and work load), we agreed to meet at a coffee shop on the subway line on Family Day.

We had a great meeting. She is a bright young woman with a great future ahead of her. She asked intelligent questions and, rather than a stilted interview, it was more of a conversation. I gave her some names of folks I know well and suggested she reach out to them, use my name, and conduct additional informational interviews and hopefully land that internship.

Imagine how pleased I was yesterday to get an e-mail from her to keep me up to date on her progress and to tell me that one of the folks I referred her to – at a large recruiting and outsourcing HR firm – had brought her on board for an internship.

See, that’s how it’s done. Congratulations Kylie! I know you will do well!

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