Take Control of Your Job Search

overwhelmedThis quote was on my ‘quote of the day’ calendar recently. It was attributed there to Pauline R. Kezer, on-line to Maya Angelou and Albert Einstein and here by “anonymous”. I love it!

As a transition coach helping folks who are in the process of finding a new job or a new career or a new purpose/focus in life, I often tell them that their biggest fears can be alleviated when they face them. Whether it’s if they have enough money to take the time to make the right choices, or the skills needed to land the job of their dreams, or even what it is they want to do, taking that first step and helps them to move and empowers them. It gives them control over their destiny.

Often they feel overwhelmed and powerless. They might have just lost their jobs. They think the economy is terrible. They might never find another job or the right job or a job that pays as much, etc. Sitting and worrying only makes it worse. It makes the fear grow and grow. Stopping, thinking, making a plan and working that plan helps them to tackle their fears head on. It gives them a sense of purpose. A goal to strive for.

In the case of their next job, it’s understanding their strengths and weaknesses. What they like to do and what they do not want to do. What kind of working environment they want to be in. Talking to people in various industries and roles helps them define what they want to do. As they get out there and work their networking plan and begin building on their job search strategy, they gain a sense of purpose, a sense of accomplishment and a sense of clarity. They narrow down the field of roles. If they know what they need to land that job that they want, they can ensure they have what it takes to get that job. If they don’t, they can plan how they are going to close those gaps.

The first step is the hardest….but each one after that is easier and easier and then it’s a sprint to the finish! BB1162-002

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