Are you paying attention?

aying attentionYou’re looking for a new opportunity. You see the PERFECT role posted on Linked In. Boy are you ever excited. The company is great! Just what you want! A collaborative, entrepreneurial working environment. The responsibilities look amazing. And the qualifications – geez you’ve got them all – in spades!

It’s perfect! It’s ideal! You are so excited!

What do you do? Well, they tell you exactly what to do!

Send a cover letter and your resume to an e-mail address. Easy as pie. What could go wrong?

What do you do? Hit ‘apply’ and that’s it. What does the recruiter get? Does she get a cover letter and resume like she’s asked? Nope. She gets an e-mail with a link to your profile.

Now, I’m pretty liberal. I’m an ‘outside the box thinker’ and can make decisions and hire without a piece of paper. I’m not fussed if our conversation is without a resume. I know what to ask to get the information I need.

But, geez, I asked you for a resume and cover letter. If you can’t follow those simple directions, what will you do when you are on the job. Or is it that you just don’t care? Are you thinking “They ask for a resume and cover letter but it’s too much work. I’ll just click ‘apply’ and get the job?”

If I’m feeling generous and have the time, I might look at your profile. But it better be awesome. It better tell me everything I want to know. Oh, and if I call you for an interview. You best have a great reason for NOT doing what I asked!

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