Break through that Glass Ceiling!

glass ceilingExcellent article in today’s Globe and Mail highlighting BMO executives getting frank on how women can get ahead on Bay Street. Trust it works the same on Wall Street and in big business across North America, Europe and elsewhere. Read the article here:

It explains how diversity committees and gender equality campaigns can only achieve so much. There are many who don’t believe they should exist in the first place. I’m not here to dispute that.

What they all stressed was that the most important thing a woman can do (and I would say ANYONE can do) is to take responsibility for your own career advancement. Hooray! I’ve been saying that for so long.

When people ask me about my consulting practice and just what career coaching is, I say that it’s about taking the reins of your career. Being pro-active about your career. Not leaving the fate, the trajectory, the advancement of your career to someone else. Trust me. Only you have your best interests at heart. While some people are fortunate to work for companies or people who want to help you grow and develop and prosper……you still need to take control of your career. Know what you are good at. Know where you need to develop. Know what the next step is….in fact, know what the next few steps are. Think ahead. Be pro-active. Don’t get complacent in the role you’re in.

Another key contributor they pointed to was to ensure you are building a good network. Your network can help you learn and grow and introduce you to others who can help you along your path to success. A mentor is another great support for women. It doesn’t have to be a formal mentorship program. When meeting people and building your network, look for other successful people one or two levels above you with whom you can form a relationship and seek guidance and support.

This is a topic in my Career Planning and Development class next week when I’m fortunate to have Dina Barazza from Avanti Women speaking about just this topic.

Go out there and be awesome!

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