Can Rules Be Broken?

poliicesI came across an interesting topic in the Nine to Five column in the Globe and Mail this week concerning an employee’s right to take time off to take her mom to chemo treatments. You can read it here:

While I usually blog about topics relating to talent acquisition and career coaching, a part of my practice still remains general HR consulting expertise and I’ve just completed two comprehensive Policies & Procedures manuals for two of my clients.

In both instances, as I prepared the first drafts, the clients wanted to leave more open to interpretation and to not have policies that are ‘set in stone.’ I advised them against this.

In my view, employers need to make clear what is expected of employees and how the office is expected to operate. Employees need to know this as well. Clear and open communication needs to be there……the rules of the office need to transparent. Employees also need to know what recourse there is if there is discrimination or harassment or issues around health and safety.

Having said this, I always like to point out that a good, solid working relationship is a give and take. I find that employers point more to the policy manual when they have issues with an employee or when an employee is taking advantage of the good nature of an employer.

These policies are in place so that all involved know what is expected of them.

In the instance in the paper this week, I hope that the employer realizes and accommodates the special needs of this employee. Another thing to consider in this specific example is, if the employee is forced to use her vacation time, her work performance just might suffer. She is undoubtedly going through emotional stress (which takes a toll) because of her mother’s cancer diagnosis and, when that is complete, surely will need to take time to recharge her batteries and come back to work refreshed and ready to take on her responsibilities.

Nothing is black and white my friends.

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