Cloak and Dagger…Being Anonymous on Linked In

cloakOK, I don’t often ask for my readers to comment but today I want you to. I have nearly 2500 connections on Linked In as I run a consulting business and network quite a bit on behalf of my business, my clients and myself. I don’t mind that folks whose profiles I view know that I viewed them. Often it leads to people reaching out to me asking if they can help me or if I want to connect because I’ve viewed their profiles. I never hide my identity.

Now I am quite the extrovert and enjoying networking – both for business and pleasure – but it always amazes me that so many people choose to be anonymous when on Linked In. Really? It’s a professional networking site! Why wouldn’t you want people to know you are viewing their profiles? I can’t tell you how many times I viewed someone’s profile, they reached out to me and it’s led to either a new great professional contact or business for me.

Some people tell me they mask their identities because they are looking for work. Really? So you are viewing profiles of people you may want to meet and talk to who might be able to help you find that next great opportunity and you mask your identity! Why? Wouldn’t you want someone to connect with you? Wouldn’t you want to make a connection and learn about that person’s role, the company or the industry?

I think most of these ‘anonymous’ people are folks who have just joined Linked In or who are rediscovering it because they now want to find a new job. If you commit time to Linked In each day or every several days or even once a week, you won’t feel the need to be anonymous. You will be perceived as someone who is keen to connect…keen to network….and perhaps, even better, an expert in your field.

I can’t tell you how many good contacts I’ve made because I’ve viewed profiles. If you are cloaked, it becomes difficult to join discussions, weigh in on topics, make comments and raise your profile. That’s what Linked In is all about.

Come out from under that cloak I say! Reveal yourself! You just might grow your network!!!
cloak potter

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