Don’t Live in Fear of Losing Your Best Employees

bransonSaw this great quote today posted on Linked In and had to share it.

So many employers live in fear that, if they train their staff too well, they will become attractive to competitors and they will lose them. I counsel them that, if they keep their staff happy, engaged and with opportunities internally, they may have no need or desire to leave.

The same goes for managers who want to keep secret the great talent on their teams so that they are not targeted by other managers within their own organization. Really? You don’t want to share your great talent with the rest of the organization? You don’t want to see your employees learn and grow and advance?

When I managed a team of recruiters at CPPIB, I was pleased that so many of them spread their wings and went on to other great roles within the organization – and today to great roles in other organizations. I enjoyed watching them develop and learn new skills and advance up the corporate ladder. Did I miss them? Sure I did. Did it affect my team when they left? Sure it did. But, with a good succession plan and great talent on board, we moved on.

If you are worried your staff is going to leave, take a step back and think about why you think they would want to leave. If you can name some reasons, address them and take those concerns out of the picture so that they want to stay. Of course, always, always, always have a Plan B. No one stays in a role forever and today, increasingly, people move among companies with more and more frequency. Always have a strong succession plan in place.

Remember, no one is irreplaceable. goldfish


  1. doug edwards says:

    Good article, reminds me of an old cartoon.

    CEO says to CFO we need to spend money training our staff.
    CFO say what if we spend the money and they leave?
    CEO says what if we don’t spend it and they stay?

    Branson’s quote is on the money, problem is most people do the first part and fall down on the second!!

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