Effort = Results

effortInteresting e-mail I got this morning via Linked In from a woman who works in marketing and was looking to work in my marketing department.

Now, as many of you know, I head up a boutique HR consulting practice focused on talent acquisition, career transition and career coaching. One look at my profile or my website and you’d know that I probably do not have a ‘marketing department’.

Yet this woman chose to reach out to me as follows:
My name is [name omitted of course] and I am currently looking for career opportunities in the marketing department.

I am a marketing professional with over 10 years of experience in the telecommunications market and as a Marketing Manager for [company name omitted], I have worked in the following areas: competitive intelligence, budget, pricing and product / promotions.

I look forward to meeting with you to discuss job opportunities. If you would like to get in touch, you can contact me via (647) XXX-XXXX or name@hotmail.com.

Best regards,

Rather than delete it, I did choose to respond, putting on my coaching cap to help her out and suggesting that the very best way to find a new opportunity to start with research and know the companies that have marketing departments, then the companies you might want to work for, who is in them and reach out. A targeted job search is much more effective than random e-mails to people with no real connection to what you do.

As I told my Career Planning and Development class just yesterday, it’s about quality and not quantity. Hope she heeds my advice, sits down, plans her job search strategy and works her plan. The amount of time and effort she puts into her targeted search will equal the amazing job that comes out of it!

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