Fire in the Belly

hire skillSo often now we see so many highly skilled, highly educated people looking for their next great opportunity. It is so difficult to distinguish one from the other…at least on paper. Fewer jobs = more kids going back for further education. Students are graduating from colleges and universities and continuing with their studies because they just can’t find jobs.

I often say that the very best way to find a job (and land it!) is to be clear on who you are and what you do and what differentiates you from the other hundred people applying (if you’re lucky; often it’s hundreds – plural!)

But, looking at it from the other side (and , as a consultant who does a fair amount of hiring for my clients), it is hard to distinguish one candidate from another when they are all equally educated and trained. Sometimes you can distinguish the stars who will be high performers right out of the gate. Awesome resume – clear, clean, crisp, concise. Lots of achievements and certainly results oriented. The words in the cover letter leap off the page and leave you wanting to learn more about this candidate. I must meet this candidate!

But, what if that perfect candidate doesn’t pop out at you? Or what if you have so many highly trained candidates to choose from? Well, the reality is, if you have several candidates who can certainly do the job and have the skills, education and experience you need – the deciding factor will always be ‘fit’. Come on, with a ball of clay the most talented people can craft anything. But you have to have that ball of clay to start with.

You have to be looking for that raw talent. You have to be looking for that person who will really make a difference in your organization. They really need to ‘fit’ in with the organization. Do they have the drive, the motivation, the passion – the burning desire to work for you and with you to help your organization meet its goals and objectives?

When I first joined CPPIB all those years ago, one of the hiring managers (kudos to you Henry Kim!) said he wanted candidates with ‘fire in the belly.’ It’s even truer now.

You can train skill – you need to hire character.

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