Flattery will get you everywhere!

My smile for the day and I hope it makes you smile as well.

As I continue my sourcing and interviewing for a particular highly-specialized ‘needle in the haystack’ type of role, I have been inundated with many resumes (thanks Linked In!). Because it is such a niche area and there are not many folks currently sitting in these roles and who can then be what I call ‘plug and play’ options for us, I see many, many resumes of people with some great experience just not for this particular role.

As I respond to them all (yes, I respond to them all!), many send back a quick e-mail thanking me for responding. I guess they are used to sending along a resume and hearing nothing back. What does that tell you about a company? But that’s for another day.

Some view my profile on Linked In and reach out for guidance in their career search. Some actually become clients of mine and I’ve worked with them to better focus their searches and most have landed some great roles. But I digress.

My smile for the day? This e-mail from a young fellow:

Hi Alice

I would love the opportunity to speak to you about future opportunities, as I am looking to transition in to a different role, and you are regarded as one of the best in the industry. Can we set up a 5-10 minute phone chat?

Thank you.

While I have been building my brand and many people do know me for my coaching skills (not to mention recruitment skills; can’t forget those!), ‘one of the best in the industry?’ I’m flattered but didn’t realize I had that reputation. Don’t get me wrong, I think I am one of the best in the industry, just not sure how many folks out there know it. You all do now. See, I got you smiling!

Oh, and yes, I am speaking to him on Friday! See flattery can get you somewhere.

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