How important is your voice message when looking for a job?

voice mailThere are so many aspects of your ‘brand’ to consider when you are looking for a new position and so many components to your marketing materials. You spend considerable time and expense ensuring you have a professional resume, you work tirelessly on your cover letter (I still don’t read them unless I HAVE to), you print professional business cards, you optimize your Linked In profile and maybe even have created a professional executive summary. Everything’s taken care of right? Wrong. What about your phone message?

I’m in the throes of several recruiting initiatives and am amazed at how many folks forget this one important aspect of their ‘brand.’ A quick reminder:

1. Don’t put your home phone number on your resume if a number of people have access to your home phone, if your phone is not going to be answered professionally ALL THE TIME and if you cannot be assured you will be get your messages (and, really, isn’t that all of us?). In that case, use your cell phone number only.
2. Listen to your outgoing message. Personalize it. When it’s a computerized voice, I figure you can’t be bothered. When it’s only your number, I’m not sure it’s really you. Take the time to record something short and sweet. How about, ‘you’ve reached the cell phone of Alice Goffredo. I can’t take your call right now. If you’ll leave your name, number and a brief message, I’ll get back to you just as soon as I can. Thanks for calling and have a great day!’ The caller knows he/she has reached ME, I ask the person to leave a name AND a number (so I’m not searching for it) and I thank them and wish them well – with a smile in my voice.
3. Then, listen to your messages regularly and get back to people promptly. Whether they are recruiters, hiring managers or folks in your network who you’ve asked to help you. They all deserve a prompt response.

I know we all live in a very busy and frenetic world…take the time to be professional and courteous. It speaks volumes about your brand!

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