Is the Culture Right for You?


My client shared this article from Harvard Business Review today on how best to understand a company’s culture before accepting an offer.

Before Taking a Job, Learn Whether the Company’s Culture Is Right for You – Harvard Business Review, April 10, 2018

When evaluating a job offer, it’s important to know whether you’ll fit in at the new company. But it can be hard to get an unvarnished view of an organization’s culture during the interview process. Before you take the job, find people with objective, unbiased opinions of the organization and its culture. They may be former employees or others who work with the company, such as consultants, contractors, or suppliers. Invite them out for coffee and say something like, “I’m trying to get a fuller picture of the company culture.” Then ask questions such as: What is this organization like to work with? Where is it succeeding? What kinds of people do well in this organization? What kinds of people leave? If you can, find out why the person you’re replacing is no longer there. Did they move on? Or get promoted? Any information you can gather will give you an insider’s perspective before you decide to commit.

This is so true and so many job seekers do not take the time to understand a company’s culture before joining. Culture plays a huge part in whether or not you will fit into a company and whether or not you will be happy there.

As a career coach, I tell my clients that understanding what the company does and what the role and responsibilities are important but — equally important — is whether or not you are a fit to the corporate culture.

Some candidates might be desperate to find a job (and need one financially) so may not take the time to do their due diligence on the company, the role, the employees and the culture. But a mismatch to a company’s culture just might mean you are back looking for a new role in a short period of time.

The article above offers some great insight into how to understand a company’s culture. Take the time to meet with other members of the company/team, not just those who have been ‘selected’ to interview you.

With LinkedIn these days, it’s very easy to see who the company’s former employees are. Reach out to them and ask them about the company. See who else you might want to speak to in the company and ask your interviewers (or HR) to make the introduction (or do it yourself!).

When interviewers ask if you have any questions, aside from the usual ones you might be asking, don’t just ask about the culture. Probe further and ask what best exemplifies the corporate culture. Ask how the company ‘walks the talk’ about the corporate culture. Ask for examples of how unsuccessful hires didn’t match the corporate culture.

Taking the time to conduct your due diligence about the culture will pay off in spades. Nothing is worse than having all the qualifications for the role but be incompatible to its corporate culture.

How would you describe the culture at your company?

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