Is Your Team on ‘The Journey’ WITH You or In Spite of You?

Saw this picture up on Linked In today and just had to share it. I can’t tell you how many times I coach leaders who seem to feel that leading by intimidation is the way to go. I would argue that is not really leading.

I remember a great piece of advice given to me by one of the best leaders I know. At the time he said that when you have a team and are all rowing in the same direction, there are still different paths the boat can take. You may all be rowing at 150% but, if you are in not sync, not in rhythm, not all rowing in the same direction, you may still get to the finish line…but you sure as heck will not be first.

I tell my clients who might be a bit of a bully (what? Who? Me?)…you know who you are….that your team may do what you want them to do but they may not necessarily enjoy the journey. How much better…more satisfying….happier you and your team will be if they are on the journey with you because they want to be and you are all rowing together.

Speaking of rowing, just completed the novel “Boys in the Boat” about the 1936 US Olympic rowing team’s journey to the Olympics held in Germany. Great read. I highly recommend it. Now that was a journey!

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