It Only Takes a Minute

minuteI’m recruiting for a very specific new role with a boutique PE firm here in Toronto. Almost like finding a needle in a haystack but, hey, that’s what I’m paid to do!

While direct sourcing is my main way of finding candidates and my network is vast, I do still post on occasion. I posted to Linked In for this particular role (and to one or two alumni sites at select schools) and received over 350 resumes.

Among the many talented and less talented (at least for this role) resumes that came in, one really stood out. It was a young man who had recently graduated. Therefore, not the right fit for this role but his cover letter was so well crafted that the words sprung off the page. He had an awesome resume and he had done so much already in his young life. I sure was going to keep him on my radar screen.

So, what did I do you ask? I took a minute to send him a note as follows:

Hi [name]. I wanted to personalize my note to you. I was very, very impressed with both your cover letter and resume in terms of how you’ve told me what you’ve done and all that you have accomplished to date. Unfortunately, for this particular role, we are looking for someone with more experience and more relevant experience. I certainly will keep you in mind for future opportunities. Best of luck to you. I know you will do well.


What did he do? He thanked me:

Hey Alice,

Thank you so much for your note. It is greatly appreciated! It is not often that a recruiter sends me a personalized e-mail.

I would certainly like to be kept in mind for any upcoming positions you come across that appear to be well suited for me; I am always looking for exciting opportunities!

Thanks again, and have a great weekend.


A real class act and I know he will do well. I just hope he’s available when I come calling with a position for him.

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