Job Search Stress

stressGood article this morning on minimizing your job hunt stress at

First off, I’m less worried that you might tie that phone cord around your neck. After all, who uses a corded phone anymore?!

Some good pointers. If you are using your home as your ‘home base’ for your job search, switch it up. Go out to a bright sunny library and set yourself up there. Find a chic coffee shop that’s bright, airy and makes you feel good (Aroma Café is a good choice; Artisano is one of my favourites; Java Joe’s is another – it’s my home away from home). Avoid low-end coffee shops; they’ll just depress you more. If Indian summer comes around, take your phone and laptop to the park, to the waterfront. Besides, you never know who you’ll meet!

I find the quiet and solitude of working from home (I have a home office) can be relaxing and a break from the hustle and bustle of busy client offices. But, sometimes the silence can be deafening. I often listen to music or talk radio on my computer. I’d say to avoid ear buds in public spaces. It’s a definite deterrent to starting up interesting conversations and again, you never know you’ll meet! If you have your head down looking at your computer and ear buds in your ears tuning out the world, you are missing some great opportunities for good conversation.

Classes are good. Exercise or yoga classes especially. Why not stay in shape (get in shape?) while you are conducting a job search. Imagine the rewards of landing that next great job and being fit as a fiddle!

Always, always, always involve your friends and family. Not only can they provide support, they are great sounding boards (they know you best) and often can connect you to people you need to meet. After a long hard day of pounding the pavement, having networking meetings and that interview late in the day, isn’t it nice to kick back with a friend or family member with whom you can commiserate?

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