On-Line Housekeeping to Start off the Year!

housekeeping It’s that time of year….out with the old and in with the new.  It’s a New Year…time for new beginnings.  And what better way to start off the year than by refreshing your on-line presence? Starting with your Linked In profile.  When was the last time you looked at it?  Updated it?  Did anything more than create it?  If the answer is “not in a while”, then it’s time to take a look.


Some simple things you can do to refresh your profile.


  1. Take a new picture.  Is your picture dated?  Does it reflect an old you that is no longer relevant?  If so, get a new professional headshot taken and update your picture today to reflect YOU!
  2. Connections.    Have a look at your connections.  Unless you are a recruiter (like me) and need to build a large, diverse contact list, pare down.  Was there a time when you accepted connections from anyone and everyone?  If so and they are no longer relevant, do some housecleaning.  Then, ensure you are tagging the connections you have so that you can easily sort through and find the people you need – when you need them.
  3. Groups.  Review your groups.   Did you join a whole bunch of groups at the beginning and never participate in any of them?  Check which ones you belong to and leave groups that are no longer relevant.  Look for interesting groups that you can join and to which you can make a meaningful contribution.  Which groups are of interest to your network?  Start there.  Keep relevant; keep current.
  4. Headline.  Is your headline reflective of who you are and what you do or is it merely your title – BORING.  People may not find you by your title but rather by your expertise.
  5. Summary.  This is where you can let your creative juices flow and have some fun.  Talk about who you are, what you do and what makes you stand out from the crowd.  It’s OK to speak in the first person here.  Speak in a human voice and let the world know about you.  What makes you special?  What makes you unique?
  6. Experience.  Here is where you can give reviewers a taste of what you’ve done.  Don’t make this section read like a resume.  Just include a sample of your roles, your achievements and your accomplishments.  Make them want to learn more!
  7. Skills & Expertise.  List them all here.  If you don’t see relevant skills, add them.  Then ask for endorsements and do the same for your connections.  Give and you shall receive.
  8. Add sections.  Have you thought about adding your projects, your presentations, your organizations, etc.?  Have some fun with this and add sections to your profile to round it out.
  9. Education/Courses.  Is this section current?  Are there continuing professional development which you’ve completed but not yet added?  Have a look and keep it current.
  10. Contact.  Make sure people know how to reach you.  Make it easy for them to reach out and connect with you and speak to you about possible opportunities.


Take the time now to update your on-line presence and freshen it up for the year ahead!

Happy New Year!

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