Performer? Non-performer? Take my weather test!

snowHow do you tell the high performers from the non-performers? Well, a great barometer in the winter months here in Canada is the weather. Canadians love to talk about the weather..almost as much as Floridians do!

Today is a horrible day – weather wise. 10-15 cms (whatever that is in inches) expected and the roads are a mess. I have an interview with a candidate at 10:00 downtown which is usually a 45 minute commute by mass transit (we call it the TCC – or ‘the better way’ here in Toronto). Driving would be 20 minutes outside of rush hour. But, I have a full day of meetings and a class to teach later this afternoon so bus and train it is.

Let’s see, 10:00 meeting, horrible weather, what time should I leave? For those of you who said 9:00, you would be wrong. I left just after 8:30 knowing that a bus was due to come to my stop in 4 minutes and again in 5 minutes (I have that app; it’s usually awesome). Well, not today. 30 minutes later the bus arrives, packed, and proceeds to stop at nearly every stop. Then the trains were delayed (they are underground so why???).

Well, I got to my meeting exactly at 10:00 (which is actually late in my books!). Candidate? He emailed me at 9:50 to say he couldn’t make it because he was delayed coming in by the weather – and he lives downtown!!!

These things happen…I know they do. But if I had an interview at 10:00 I would have left with plenty of time to spare. And with this weather, I would have slept in the lobby of the building where the interview is being held (well, maybe not).

Think I rescheduled him? Well, I plan to but now it’ll be a phone interview. He better ace it!

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