Seize the day!

ze the dayTurned the page today on a calendar my friend got me for Christmas. It’s an inspirational “Seize the Day” calendar. I was a few days behind (OK, an entire week!) and saw this from February 7th.

“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.” The author is Mark Victor Hansen.

The reason I’m blogging about this is that I’ve come across clients in the past who are looking for new opportunities and come to me for coaching. As we begin the journey together, some of these clients feel that they need to have all of their ducks in a row, everything perfect, before they can do anything. They don’t want to start networking because, although they have their scripts ready to go and a solid understanding of what they’ve done and are able to explain it in a clear concise fashion, they aren’t sure exactly what they want to do. They don’t want to do anything until they’ve “figured it all out.”

Well, the purpose of an networking call or an informational interview/meeting is to help you reach those conclusions. To understand what other people are doing. What their roles are. What shortcomings or development opportunities there are for them in order to get a job like that.

A few don’t have Linked In profiles (yes, there are still folks out there who don’t have profiles). They hesitate to put anything up before having everything perfect. Well, your profile can change, it can grow, it can morph. I’m not saying put up something that shouldn’t be seen by others. But waiting until it’s perfect? Heck, it’ll never be perfect. Put it up and work on it, optimize it, add to it.

Same when you start an actual search. Hesitant to apply to a great job you’ve seen because your resume needs to be tweaked. Heck, tweak it, make that cover letter and blast it off (don’t forget to see who’s in your network that you can reach out to also).

If we wait for the perfect everything, we’ll have nothing. There’s no day like today. Now get out there and make something wonderful happen!

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