Simple Rules for Asking for References

A number of my clients have recently asked me about reference letters and I advised them that they have gone the way of snail mail. So often recruiters and hiring managers do not want to see a reference letter – almost anyone can get one and they are pretty much a dated tradition. The last thing you want to project is that you are dated. I’ve seen a forged one or two or three in my day as well.

How is referencing done? Well, if it’s done properly, a potential employer will ask a finalist candidate for three professional business references who can attest to the candidate’s work product, work ethic, responsibilities, etc.

But, how to go about asking someone to be a reference? Here are a few rules to follow:

1. Think about folks with whom you’ve worked in the past including former bosses, peers/ colleagues, clients, etc. If you are just starting out, think about teachers/professors, part-time bosses, folks with whom you’ve volunteered, your past coaches, clergy, etc.
2. Ensure you are getting a good cross section and have a list of potential references.
3. If you are actively looking for new employment, ask each one if they would be willing to act as a professional reference. Get their permission! This is critical.
4. When you are asked to provide your references, select the ones who are in the best position to highlight the skills and attributes that are most relevant for the role you are seeking.
5. Reach out to your references inform them that they may be contacted in the near future and them the name of the company and a little bit about the role so that they can tailor their answers and position your past work experience in the best possible light. This is important! Don’t have them get a call and not be aware it’s coming! Prepare them!
6. Once the referencing is complete, follow up with your references and thank them for providing the references for you. After all, they’ve gone out of their way to act as your reference, thank them for doing so.

Then get ready to start your exciting new job! Congratulations!

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