Stay where you are? Make the move in 2013? Decisions, decisions!

I came across this article in the April 30, 2012 issue of Canadian Business and really found it relevant:

It is so true that many people are averse to change and to moving outside their “comfort zone.”  I firmly believe it is easier to do this if you’ve gotten a good understanding of yourself, your strengths and where you want to be.  It certainly helps to boost your confidence level and make moving “outside your comfort zone” just a little less daunting.

Of course, taking charge of your career is the most important and I’ve written about this before.  Nothing like the dawn of a new year to take the time to reflect on who you are, where are you and where you want to be.  Baby steps.  How about what you want to change just for this year?  Where do you want to be at the end of 2013 (vs. where you are today)?  Understanding yourself and your strengths is a great first step.  What do you want to be doing?  What do you need (that you don’t already have) to get there?  Identify those gaps and address them — don’t avoid them!

While many folks are happy to move along in the same careers (in the past, often with the same company), is this right for you?  It’s never too late to change careers or change companies.  I have clients in transition who were let go after 10, 20, 25 years with the same company.  Think how much harder change is for these people.

What does changing careers do for you?  What are the benefits?  Well let’s see:

  • it certainly addes to your skill set
  • it adds to your experience (and diversity of experience!)
  • it allows you to pick up best practices from other organizations


Now’s the time to take charge of your career.  Good luck and all the best in 2013!

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