Unplug and Have a Real Conversation!

technologyTaking a little break from my usual blogging about business and instead focusing on a little ‘tongue in cheek’ humour. If you know me well, you’ve heard me say time and again how CNN is no longer a news program and how much their morning show emulates The View (I’ve only ever caught that once for five minutes and, trust me, it was five minutes too long). CNN has become a gab fest these days (I think I usually say ‘hen fest’ but you get my drift). What’s happened to the news?

If I’m home in the morning, I might turn on Good Morning America (GMA) for a few minutes as I prepare breakfast. Do I expect ‘hard hitting news’? No way. Do I expect some news and a lot of entertainment? You betcha. And that’s what I get!

But that show has changed (or maybe it was always this way and I never really watched it before). Anyway, CNN, GMA, etc. all have a gaggle of people sitting around a table gabbing and yapping and all talking over each other. It’s enough to make you crazy. Why are these shows doing that? Who do they cater to? What’s the attraction of watching a bunch of people sitting around all talking at the same time about nothing much of importance (well, it was funny when Jerry Seinfeld did it but ‘been there; done that’).

Then it hit me!

With the advancement in technology today and with everyone plugged in and no longer actually sitting together and talking and communicating with each other (think ear buds folks!), people actually think these TV anchors are their friends and they are part of the conversation. That must be it no?

Maybe folks who are tuned out and plugged in are so starved for real conversation once in a while with real people that they turn to a medium they are comfortable with – technology – in this case TV – and get their fill of conversations.

News flash! This doesn’t count as real conversation. Those anchors are not your friends. You are not part of their conversations. They can’t hear you!!

Now unplug and go out there and have a real conversation. Please! Stand in line and talk to someone. Sit on the train and strike up a conversation. Maybe then these TV shows will go away. Then again, maybe not, as the Gen X and Gen Y folks who are so plugged in don’t even watch TV! There goes that theory. Any ideas?

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