What a difference a smile can make!

customer service
What does customer service mean to you? How important is it?

Well, I would say that customer service should be priority 1 for a company and can make or break your organization. But, going even further and speaking from personal experience, customer service can make or break your day.

‘How so?’ you ask. Here’s my experience from this morning that I’d like to share.

I went to the Second Cup on the Queensway across from Sherway Gardens to meet a potential new client. Had only ever been there once before, was not a regular and did not know the staff there. Well, the woman behind the counter was the most welcoming person I’ve come across in a long time. We had a great conversation and she made me feel most welcome. More importantly, she put a smile on my face – and we here in the north know just how difficult that can be after the long, long, long non-ending winter we’re having.

What did it cost her? Nothing. What did it give me? A smile on my face and a warm and cozy feeling on this oh-so-cold and dreary day. I’m going to pay it forward….feel free to do the same.

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