What were you thinking Costco?

costcoI am always amazed that so many companies don’t bother to reply to candidates who take the time to apply for positions with their companies. Really? Is the market such that you feel you don’t need to respond, thank a candidate for his/her interest and for taking the time to apply? It’s just common courtesy. What has happened to courtesy and respect these days?

With technology and automation what it is, this can be done quite easily. For many companies, as soon as you move a candidate from “applied” to “rejected”, an automatic e-mail can go out thanking the candidate for taking the time to apply, blah blah blah. Heck, I run a small consulting pracdtice and take the time to respond to each and every candidate. If nothing else, it’s a great part-time job for a university student.

But I digress. Even worse than not responding to applicants who apply, is not responding to candidates who have come into your place of business for an interview….or two. Real life example.
My son has just finished his third year in university and is studying kinesiology. Last summer he was fortunate to have worked at a physiotherapy clinic as a kinesiologist with oversight of their gym. This summer he wanted to do something different and thought Costco might be a good summer experience. OK, lots of kids work there. I love the store. Sure, why not?
He picked up an application, brought it home, filled it out and went back (dressed appropriately) with completed application and resume in hand (I taught him well and he listened!). They took the application and interviewed him on the spot (smart aren’t they?) They called him up the next day and invited him back for additional interviews. At the end of those interviews, they told him they would be in touch by the end of the week.

What happened next? Nothing. Not a thing. Nada. Think of the ‘sound of silence.’ Really Costco? Here’s a smart young man (well groomed, presentable) who has come in and met with three different people on two separate occasions, who has worked for most of his young adult life, who gets good grades, etc., etc. and you don’t bother to follow up?

Well, c’est la vie. Life goes on. He landed another summer job which he loves. Then, today, three weeks after his last interview at Costco, he gets a call from Costco telling him to come to orientation on Thursday if he’s accepting the job. Accepting the job? What job? They go ‘radio silent’ and then call with a date for orientation. Really? Do they think young folks today are desperate to work for Costco? Do they think the good ones will not be snapped in by other employers?

Well, whatever they are thinking, they are going about it the wrong way. As a consultant who specializes in talent acquisition I can tell you, this is not the way to treat potential employees. In my book, Costco has just gone from a great organization to a good store with poor hiring practices.
Am I going to tell them? You bet I am. You should too!

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