What Your Brand Says About You

business cardYour business card. It’s a reflection of your professional life. It tells us who you are, what you do and how best to contact you.

But what do you do when you have lost your job and can no longer use that business card? What do you do when you are interviewing for another job, still employed but only have your current employer’s business card?

Many people choose to hand out their current employer’s business card when interviewing with a potential new employer. Do you really want the recruiter or hiring manager to call you at your current place of business? Do you really want them to call you at your desk?

My recommendation? Either don’t hand out a card (after all, your vital information is on your resume) or – better yet – have cards made up. In this way, you can be called where you want to be or e-mailed to your personal account.

But – and this is a big but – remember that the business card if a reflection of the professional you.

I bring this up because I met a man recently at an event who presented his card and said “I’d like you to have my card but don’t look at it [insert chuckle here], the phone number is wrong so I crossed it out and wrote in the right one.” I advised him to keep it, destroy the remaining ones and have new ones made up (yep, that’s me with my ‘coaching hat’ on). This is a man who is looking for his next opportunity and yet is handing out cards that are incorrect, crossed out and marked up. What does that say about him?

You can go to Vistaprint on line and have cards made up FREE (just pay about 8 bucks for shipping and handling). Pay a little more and get better card stock or glossy paper (still under 20 bucks!) Can’t wait 3-4 days to get them? Pay extra and get rush delivery or go to Staples and get them TODAY!

There is no longer an excuse for not having an accurate card that gives people your name and your contact information. If the first contact I have with you is that you made a mistake (or one was made on your behalf) and you didn’t bother to right it (except to cross it out), what does that say about the work product I can expect from you. How much do you really care if you don’t care enough to present yourself in the best light possible? Oh and guys, don’t stick them in your wallet where the corners get all bent. Ladies, don’t dump them in your purse when they get lipstick smudges (been there; done that!)

Your brand is crucial. Protect it wisely!


  1. Reblogged this on Fozia Saeed.

  2. Nice Blog !!!
    post is very informative and easy to understand.
    Thanks for sharing such nice information of brand consulting

  3. Alice – thank you for the tip/reminder about professional business cards. As someone just commencing a job search I just placed my order for new ones.

    • That’s great. I know that in the not too distant future they will surely be the thing of the past but….till then, it’s great to have a card to hand someone. Glad you enjoy the posts.

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