Five simple words….yet so many people don’t ask! Recently I received a phone call from a prospective employer advising me that my contact details were provided to them and that they needed a professional business reference for the person they were interviewing.

Well, it caught me off guard for several reasons:

1. While it’s true I agreed to act as a reference for this person, that casual conversation happened nearly two years ago and I’ve had no contact with her since and no idea what she’s been up to.

2. I did not know this person was looking for work.

3. I knew nothing about the company or the role.

4. I did not get a heads up from her that (a) she was looking for work (b) I might be getting a call and (c) a little something about the role so I could formulate the best examples.

The very best way to get the very best out of your references?

1. Always have several people available who have agreed to act as professional business references for you. Former bosses, peers/colleagues, direct reports, clients/customers and third-party vendors are great examples of a cross section of people who can speak to who you are and what you’ve done. Keep their contact information (name, company, title, phone, e-mail address) up to date.

2. Don’t have a lot of work experience? Fear not. You can use people with whom you’ve volunteered, your professors/teachers, your coach, your music/dance instructors, your clergy.

3. Before giving your prospective employer the names of 2 or 3 of your references, call them up and remind them that they’ve agreed to act as a professional business reference, tell them about the job you are vying for and who might be calling them. Be specific so that they can best formulate responses that would be relevant to that job and position you in the best possible light.

4. Ask them to let you know (by phone or a quick e-mail) when they have been notified so you know that discussion has taken place.

5. Then – most importantly – follow up and thank them for taking the time to provide the reference.

6. And, by all means, let them know when you’ve gotten the job!!!

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