You’re Fired!

you're firedThis article*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1&trk=object-title brought back memories of one of the very first firings I had to execute. I was a consultant in a growing investment firm and it wasn’t even really my responsibility to terminate employees (I was the person brought in to bring in talent).

The employee was a person I knew well (and personally) and I did not think the company was treating the employee fairly. However, I went forward with the termination knowing in my heart that it was not the right thing to do nor was the way it was going to be handled the best way (I’ve since learned that’s for sure).

Well, it went sideways from the get-go. There was no process in place and word got out (by mistake) before the termination took place. The employee heard ahead of time and her manager denied, denied, denied and then dumped it all on me. I was told she had to be escorted from the office (bags in hand) but later learned that had never happened before.

It was –without a doubt–the worst experience of my life and I can only imagine how much harder it was for her. I still shudder when I think what was done to this woman. I hadn’t seen her in years but the incident was never far from my mind. As I coach managers now on conducting terminations, I always think of that situation and I vow never to have something like that repeated if I can help it. Having an exiting employee’s dignity in tact is vital.

I finally crossed paths with this woman again recently. It was nearly a decade after the incident and she still remembered that day and what it did to her, how it made her feel and what transpired after she left. At least I got the chance to apologize and to let her know that I learned from that incident and can honestly say it was never repeated by me or anyone who I now coach.

We live and learn.

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